Hypnosis uses the power of your subconscious to "change your mind" while you remain relaxed, aware, and in control!
"Is Hypnosis for me?"
Whether the results are sudden or subtle, hypnosis is an effective tool for self-improvement. Our focus is on utilizing hypnosis with established cognitive principles as a therapeutic tool for the purpose of self-improvement.​ Though most people can benefit from this modality, nothing is for everyone. At the conclusion of our initial appointment, if either you or I don't feel that it's a fit for you, there is no obligation on either of our parts to continue. There is no risk!
Contact me today, and if it's a fit, we'll discuss the options that best meet your needs. My goal is for you to
"Love What You Do!"

​Enjoy a relaxing "mind massage" while working on your self-improvement goal!
45-90 minute Session - $75​
Whether your goal is to sleep better or manage chronic pain, hypnosis is a gentle, judgement-free therapy which can complement traditional medicine. ​Other applications include: improving sports performance, building self-esteem and confidence, overcoming gambling and other behavioral addictions (physical addictions ie alcoholism may be out of the scope of hypnotherapy), dispelling fears and phobias, preparing for job search, and much more!
All Sessions Now Virtual!
Like many other professionals, I am offering cyber-appointments. Be hypnotized to meet your goals from the comfort of your own home, office, or even a private garden!
Mind reconditioning is typically based on repetition and association. I'm working on a method where we can eliminate the troubling habit in one session! Contact me for more details.

Our regular program, incorporating training with motivation.
8 Weekly Sessions - $500​
​Save $100 off per-session rate
This program will be appropriate for most weight-loss clients. We'll talk about personal roadblocks, motivations, and make sure the knowledge needed to succeed is well-established.

Examples include: smoking, nail biting, procrastination or tardiness, mindless snacking, neglect of exercise, negativity, and many others that inhibit your happiness!
Weight Management
Behavior Modification

​For clients who know what they need to do, but have trouble doing it.
6 Weekly Sessions - $400
Save $50 off per-session rate
This client knows about what food to eat, what to avoid, that physical activity is essential for their good health, etc. But they need an added boost to put their knowledge into daily practice.

​For clients who have begun their journey to be free of tobacco.
Six 50-minute Sessions - $300​
Save $150 off per-session rate
Personal sessions to support your efforts, using an effective step-by-step program. Be tobacco-free by the fifth session!

​For clients with a long-term goal. Requires referral from medical doctor.
20 Sessions - $1,200​
​Save $300 off per-session rate
These clients have an extensive but surmountable road ahead of them. This program --- which consists of eight (8) weekly sessions, then one session per month for the following year --- will help make the journey easier by providing ongoing encouragement while updating old beliefs and behaviors.

​Economical alternative to individual program.
Minimum of five participants.
6 Weekly Sessions - $90​
Rate per couple (cohabitants) - $150
If the support of a group is important to you, consider joining like-challenged people in kicking the habit.